Installing NS3 in Ubuntu

First, update the package list by executing this command: sudo apt-get update

install following packages (command is given below):

For ns-3:
1. gcc
2. g++
3. python
4. python-dev

For NetAnim:
1. qt4-dev-tools

For PyViz:
1. libgtk-3-dev
2. python-pygoocanvas
3. python-pygraphviz

For Wireshark and Gnuplot:
1. wireshark
2. gnuplot

For TraceMetrics:
1. openjdk-7-jdk

Command to install all these packages together:

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ python python-dev qt4-dev-tools libgtk-3-dev python-pygoocanvas python-pygraphviz wireshark gnuplot openjdk-7-jdk

Steps to install ns-3:

1. Download ns-allinone-3.25.tar.bz2 and unzip it.

2. Go to ns-allinone-3.25 and give the following command:

./ –enable-examples –enable-tests

This command will install ns-3, NetAnim and PyViz.

3. Once the installation completes, go to ns-allinone-3.25/ns-3.25 and give the following command:

./ -c core

Thanks and Regards
Guru Prasad B T

Internship Preparation

  1. Surface level knowledge about the Networking tools such as wireshark, Nmap, Network Simulator 3 and Ettercap
  2. Knowledge about virtualization
  3. Knowledge about Linux flavours
  4. Knowledge about Data structures
  5. Any of the object oriented programming languages such as Python or java
  6. Knowledge about software testing.


Thanks and Regards

Guruprasad B T